05 December 2006

a bit about me

While I am not one who really likes to talk about himself, I thought I should at least give some information about myself and why I have set up this blog.

You can call me Eddie. My given name is Eduardo Gonzalez, but since my experience has been that almost everyone splices that name up and jumbles the pieces around before they repeat it. I have heard and seen my name stated in more contorted ways than Cirque de Soleil performers get on those ropes. Except they make it look good. And it's not like the name is hard. Maybe it's just me. Is it my face? I don't know. Anyway, call me Eddie or Eduardo; whatever you are comfortable with.

I am quite happily married, and as of right now I have almost three kids. Two have been out and causing havoc in the world for 1 and 3 years; the other is on the way very shortly. Soon. Very soon. We live in the beautiful San Diego, CA area, where you pay for the view. If you have never been to La Jolla Shores then you have never been . . . to La Jolla Shores. But, it's absolutely stunning. And once the city figures out how to deal with the Seal vs. Man problem at Casa Beach (a.k.a. the Children's Pool), and we get the protestors out of here, along with the crazy humans who go acting stupid with the seals, then it will be so much better.

My love's in life are very easy to pick up after a short while of checking out my blogs. (In addition to this one I have my martyrologist blog also on lifewithchrist.org.) My wife and I are both History buffs (i.e. B.A. in History), with my focus being martyrdom throughout Christian history; my wife's focus is medieval women's history. Reading, writing, research, buying books: all are must do's in our lives. I would relish the opportunity to work in a museum (the local San Diego Natural History Museum will be hosting a Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit next year) or get paid to do research. Maybe some day.

In the meantime, I enjoy any chance I get to play soccer. My oldest boy was kicking a ball before he could walk. Arsenal, Liverpool, Barcelona, France, England, Brazil: any chance I get to watch them play I have to take it.

If you were to ask me, as in many applications or forms, "What religion are you?" I would have to give you a convoluted answer. My confession is basically that I am a disciple or follower of Jesus Christ. Theologically and practically speaking I am a finely mixed breed of Calvinist and some variation of an Anabaptist.

Then there is graphic design. I started out by focusing on web design, but have gone away from that medium more and more. Not so much because of web design itself, but I am finding a lot of pleasure in doing magazine/newsletter design and production. There is so much freedom involved and creativity expected. I created a newsletter for the department I work in (for over 90 employees) and love to explore the possibilities in design. I have fun creating posters, brochures, flyers, quicky images, and various other projects I get to do. I am hoping to get a chance at the place I work now, to move up and take care of the company-wide newsletter (the present one has much to be desired; they use extremely tall pages and waste so much space) as well as other design projects, but that's not likely to happen. So, I have to look around and see what is available out in the world. We are praying and praying for God to open the right doors, and to make it very clear which ones we need to go through. I don't mind a swift kick in the pants.

The reason I set up this blog was to get some of my ideas out there on the subject of graphic design. I tend to do more with typography than anything else, but graphic design in general could always use more voices and actors. I want to give my take. Like everyone else who has delved into the world of graphic design, there is no reason why we all can't voice our opinions and ideas. There are so many new trends going on around the world. If you check out the latest two editions of I.D. Magazine you will catch a glimpse of some fairly wild and titillating ideas.

Well, that is somewhat about me. Drop me an e-mail anytime. If you have any graphic design in you, let me know. I am always looking for more ideas to study and folks to learn from. I'm always looking for amazing, usable fonts. Anyone giving away a tablet or Wacom type device is welcome to send it my way. Plus, if you happen to be giving away the latest Adobe Creative Suite, do think of me. Technology is not the end-all, absolute must, in graphic design, but it sure is nice.

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